YRWS lynx


{ lynx lynx }
The largest of the lynx species, with characteristic pointed fur on their ears. Once hunted almost to extinction for its beautifully long, thick fur.


Koshka came to us from a facility in Arkansas. While one of the keepers was driving across the country to begin working here, he was able to pick her up and finish his journey to his new job with an extra passenger. Koshka was raised by the keepers, which is why she is so friendly to people. If she knows the keepers are on property, you can usually hear her “screaming” for their attention.


Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary Least threatened

Least Concern

lynx compared to man

Compared to a 6′ Man

YRWS weight icon

Females: 40 lbs
Males: 45 lbs

YRWS lifespan icon

17 Years

YRWS diet icon


YRWS regions icon

Europe, Central Asia, Russia

One of the widest-ranging cat species, the Eurasian Lynx can be found from Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe to Central Asia and Siberia, the Tibetan Plateau, and the Himalayas. They are forest dwellers in Europe and Russia, but adapt to semi-deserts, rocky areas, and even the Arctic tundra. Their largest populations are located in Russia. While having experienced near extinction and even extermination in numerous countries, their numbers are strong, and many countries now prohibit them from being hunted.


The largest of the lynx species, they are a medium-sized cat. Their fur is yellow-grey with white underparts. They can have dark spots, stripes, or a combination. The long hairs on their cheeks and ears provide the distinct lynx profile. The Eurasian lynx has a strong build with wide, webbed paws that provide stability on snow and rocky terrain. Another distinguishable feature is their short, black-tipped tail. The average length of a Eurasian Lynx is 31 to 51 inches, and they can be 24 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder. Males weigh in around 45 pounds with females averaging a close 40 pounds.


Eurasian lynx are nocturnal, unless food is scarce, forcing them to hunt during the day. As adults, they are solitary animals, keeping to a territory ranging from 7.7 to as much as 173 square miles. They will communicate through scent and claw markings, especially along the perimeter of their territory. Eurasian lynx have a wide range of vocalizations but tend to be very quiet to the point that their presence can go unnoticed for years. They are the most vocal during mating season.

Eurasian lynx hunt for small, hoofed animals, like deer. When scarce, they will turn to smaller animals like hares and rodents. The Eurasian lynx will stalk or ambush their prey. Capable of speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, they are very talented hunters.

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