Want to make an impact for the amazing resident animals of YRWS? Simply head over to our Amazon Wish List where you’ll find items and supplies the animals will greatly benefit from having. Select which item(s) you would like to purchase and Amazon will automatically deliver it directly to the Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary. We’ll be keeping this list updated as the needs change so be sure to check in often. Thank you and we appreciate your help.
If you have a dog or cat at home, you probably have chew toys, balls and other items for them to play with, right? Well, the animals here at Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary love toys, too! Often referred to as Behavioral Enrichment, these items aren’t just for fun, they enhance the quality of life while in captive care by providing environmental stimuli necessary for the animal’s psychological and physiological well-being. You can help our keepers and staff by creating some of the enrichment projects found below or others found online (Hose2Habitat offers some excellent ideas.) These projects are great for scout troops, home schoolers – or anyone that wants to try! We’re also happy to collect any of the supplies listed and provide them to those who are wiling to create items. You’ll find many are found items you may already have. For projects involving bamboo, we can supply from the bamboo forest here at YRWS.
Donated enrichment items will all be reviewed for the safety and well-being of the animals. We’re happy to answer questions before you embark on a project to ensure all criteria is met and your finished project can be put to good use. Click on the links below for downloadable PDF instructions and supply lists.

As an exhibit attendant, you will be standing (or sitting) at a station outside of an animal exhibit to answer any questions guests might have about the animal or the sanctuary itself. The exhibit attendants will also make sure that guests are interacting appropriately with the animals (for example: not feeding animals, reaching through the fences or climbing on railings). All volunteers will need to attend a training meeting prior to actually volunteering.
If you are interested in becoming an exhibit attendant at Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary, please fill out the form in the link below.